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a - Variable in class com.kx.c
add(Object, Object) - Method in class
Adds a new key / value pair to the dictionary
add(Object, Object, Class<?>) - Method in class
Adds a new key / value pair to the dictionary with null detection
addColumn(String, List<Object>) - Method in class
Adds a new column to the current table stored within the object.
addPublisher(KdbProcess) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
addRow(KdbDict) - Method in class
addRow(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class
Adds a row to a table based on an HashMap representation of the row (i.e.
append(KdbTable) - Method in class
Appends the specified table onto the current table (similar to the kdb+ uj function)
ARRAY_PRIMITIVE_TYPES_LIST - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.Types
All class definitions of primitive array types, as a List (e.g.
arrayToObjectArray(Object) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Converters
Converts the supplied array into an object array.
at(Object, int) - Static method in class com.kx.c
at(String) - Method in class com.kx.c.Flip
authenticate(String) - Method in interface com.kx.c.IAuthenticate


b - Variable in class com.kx.c
B - Variable in class com.kx.c
buildFromRowList(String, List<KdbDict>) - Static method in class
Accepts a list of KdbDict objects and generates a new KdbTable from it


c - Class in com.kx
c(ServerSocket, c.IAuthenticate) - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c(ServerSocket) - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c(String, int, String) - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c(String, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c(String, int) - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c() - Constructor for class com.kx.c
c.Dict - Class in com.kx
c.Flip - Class in com.kx
c.IAuthenticate - Interface in com.kx
c.KException - Exception in com.kx
c.Minute - Class in com.kx
c.Month - Class in com.kx
c.Second - Class in com.kx
c.Timespan - Class in com.kx
changeTableName(String) - Method in class
Allows the name of the table stored within this object to be changed.
close() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
close() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
Closes the underlying kdb connection
close() - Method in class com.kx.c
com.buabook.kdb - package com.buabook.kdb
com.buabook.kdb.connection - package com.buabook.kdb.connection
com.buabook.kdb.consumer - package com.buabook.kdb.consumer - package
com.buabook.kdb.exceptions - package com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
com.buabook.kdb.interfaces - package com.buabook.kdb.interfaces
com.buabook.kdb.publisher - package com.buabook.kdb.publisher
com.buabook.kdb.query - package com.buabook.kdb.query
com.kx - package com.kx
compareTo(c.Minute) - Method in class com.kx.c.Minute
compareTo(c.Month) - Method in class com.kx.c.Month
compareTo(c.Second) - Method in class com.kx.c.Second
compareTo(c.Timespan) - Method in class com.kx.c.Timespan
connect() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
Performs the connection to the KDB process
connection - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
The current active connection to the kdb process
connection - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
The connection to use to query the kdb process
consume(Object) - Method in interface com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbRawDataConsumer
Consumes the specified kdb object to perform some action on the received data.
consume(KdbTable) - Method in interface com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbTableConsumer
Consumes the specified kdb table to perform some action on the received data.
consumer - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
The underlying consumer object that will listen and notify listeners when messages are received
Converters - Class in com.buabook.kdb
Conversion Methods for Java <-> kdb Communication
Converters() - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.Converters
convertToDict() - Method in class
Generates a c.Dict for use before sending the object down the wire to a kdb process
convertToFlip() - Method in class
Converts the nice Java representation of a kdb table into the actual format ready for sending across the wire to a kdb process.
cs(String) - Method in class com.kx.c


data - Variable in class
The dictionary as stored within Java
data - Variable in class
The container of the kdb data stored column-wise
DataConsumerException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
(c) 2015 Sport Trades Ltd
DataConsumerException() - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
DataConsumerException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
DataConsumerException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
DataConsumerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
DataConsumerException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
DataOverwriteNotPermittedException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
DataOverwriteNotPermittedException() - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataOverwriteNotPermittedException
DataOverwriteNotPermittedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataOverwriteNotPermittedException
DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MS - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
The default reconnection interval in milliseconds
DEFAULT_RESET_CONNECTION_DURATION - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
DEFAULT_THREAD_SLEEP_MS - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
Specifies the default time the thread should sleep between cycles
deleteColumn(String) - Method in class
Dict(Object, Object) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Dict
Dicts - Class in com.buabook.kdb
c.Dict and KdbDict Helpers
Dicts() - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.Dicts
DictUnionNotPermittedException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
DictUnionNotPermittedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DictUnionNotPermittedException
disconnect() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
Disconnects from the KDB process (by closing the underlying socket)
disconnect(KdbProcess) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
Disconnects from the specified kdb server and removes it from the internal management object
disconnect() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
doSetOfInitialDataSet(c.Flip, boolean) - Method in class
durationToTimespan(Duration) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Converters


e - Static variable in class com.kx.c
EFailureReason() - Constructor for enum com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbConsumerFailedListener.EFailureReason
equals(Object) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
equals(Object) - Method in class
Delegates equality check to the underlying data store object (
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c.Minute
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c.Month
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c.Second
equals(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c.Timespan


failureListener - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
find(String[], String) - Static method in class com.kx.c
Flip(c.Dict) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Flip
Flips - Class in com.buabook.kdb
c.Flip and KdbTable Helpers
Flips() - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.Flips
forceSetInitialDataSet(c.Flip) - Method in class
Performs the initial (or subsequent) set of data from a kdb c.Flip object
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class
Generates a new KdbDict object from an object.
fromObject(Object) - Static method in class
Generates a new KdbTable object from an object.


get(Object) - Method in class
getArrayPrimitiveTypes() - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Types
getAs(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class
Gets the specified key and also casts it to the specified type
getColumn(c.Flip, Integer) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Flips
Returns the specified column from the data.
getConnection() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
getDataStore() - Method in class
getDataStoreWithStringKeys() - Method in class
Useful when the dictionary is from a table row as the keys will always be strings in this case.
getKdbNullFor(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Types
The source of the kdb null is instantiated statically, so this function can be called as many times as necessary without any object creation cost.
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeysAsString() - Method in class
getPassword() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
getRemoteProcess() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
getRow(int) - Method in class
Provides the ability to return a specified row of the table.
getRowCount() - Method in class
getRowCount(c.Flip) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Flips
Returns the row count of the specified table
getSize() - Method in class
getSize(c.Dict) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Dicts
getTableData() - Method in class
getTableName() - Method in class
getTargetProcesses() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
getUserAndPassword() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
getUsername() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
gl(long) - Method in class com.kx.c


has(Object) - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
hashCode() - Method in class
Delegates hash code calculation to underlying data store object (
hashCode() - Method in class com.kx.c.Minute
hashCode() - Method in class com.kx.c.Month
hashCode() - Method in class com.kx.c.Second
hashCode() - Method in class com.kx.c.Timespan
hasNext() - Method in class


i - Variable in class com.kx.c
i - Variable in class com.kx.c.Minute
i - Variable in class com.kx.c.Month
i - Variable in class com.kx.c.Second
i2(int) - Static method in class com.kx.c
i9(int) - Static method in class com.kx.c
IKdbConsumerFailedListener - Interface in com.buabook.kdb.interfaces
KdbConsumerThread Failure Listener
IKdbConsumerFailedListener.EFailureReason - Enum in com.buabook.kdb.interfaces
Standard failure causes as an enumeration for reference.
IKdbRawDataConsumer - Interface in com.buabook.kdb.interfaces
Raw kdb Data Consumer Interface
IKdbTableConsumer - Interface in com.buabook.kdb.interfaces
KdbTable Data Consumer Interface
io(Socket) - Method in class com.kx.c
isConnected() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isNullOrEmpty(KdbDict) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Dicts
isNullOrEmpty(c.Dict) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Dicts
isNullOrEmpty(KdbTable) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Flips
isNullOrEmpty(c.Flip) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Flips
iterator() - Method in class


j - Variable in class com.kx.c
J - Variable in class com.kx.c
j - Variable in class com.kx.c.Timespan


k - Static variable in class com.kx.c
k() - Method in class com.kx.c
k(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
k(String) - Method in class com.kx.c
k(String, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
k(String, Object, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
k(String, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
KDB_NULL_TYPES - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.Types
Java class to kdb object null mapping
KdbAsyncQuery - Class in com.buabook.kdb.query
KDB Query Class - Asynchronous Implementation
KdbAsyncQuery(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbAsyncQuery
KdbAsyncQuery(KdbConnection) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbAsyncQuery
KdbConnection - Class in com.buabook.kdb.connection
KDB Connection Wrapper
KdbConnection(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
Creates a new kdb connection object with the reconnection interval set as the default (as defined by KdbConnection.DEFAULT_RECONNECT_INTERVAL_MS.
KdbConnection(KdbProcess, Integer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
Creates a new kdb connection object with the specified reconnection interval.
KdbConsumer - Class in com.buabook.kdb.consumer
KDB Data Consumer
KdbConsumer(KdbProcess, List<String>, KdbDict, IKdbRawDataConsumer, IKdbTableConsumer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
KdbConsumer(KdbProcess, List<String>, IKdbRawDataConsumer, IKdbTableConsumer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
Generates a new kdb consumer (which is generally a consumer from a kdb TickerPlant)
KdbConsumer(KdbProcess, KdbDict, IKdbRawDataConsumer, IKdbTableConsumer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
KdbConsumer(KdbProcess, List<String>, IKdbTableConsumer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
KdbConsumerThread - Class in com.buabook.kdb.consumer
KDB Consumer Thread
KdbConsumerThread(KdbProcess, List<String>, IKdbRawDataConsumer, IKdbTableConsumer, IKdbConsumerFailedListener) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
NOTE: At least one of IKdbRawDataConsumer or IKdbTableConsumer must be supplied.
KdbConsumerThread(KdbProcess, KdbDict, IKdbRawDataConsumer, IKdbTableConsumer, IKdbConsumerFailedListener) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
KdbDict - Class in
KDB Dictionary Container
KdbDict() - Constructor for class
KdbDict(c.Dict) - Constructor for class
KdbProcess - Class in com.buabook.kdb.connection
kdb-specific Server Definition Container
KdbProcess(String, Integer) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
KdbProcess(String, String) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
KdbProcess(String, Integer, String, String) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
KdbProcess(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
KdbProcessSubscriptionFailedException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
KdbProcessSubscriptionFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbProcessSubscriptionFailedException
KdbPublisher - Class in com.buabook.kdb.publisher
KDB Data Publisher
KdbPublisher(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
KdbPublisher(KdbProcess, Duration) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
Generates a new KDB publisher.
KdbPublisherAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
KdbPublisherAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherAlreadyExistsException
KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException() - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException
KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException
KdbPublisherManager - Class in com.buabook.kdb.publisher
KDB Publisher Manager
KdbPublisherManager() - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
KdbPublisherThread - Class in com.buabook.kdb.publisher
KDB Publisher Thread
KdbPublisherThread(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
Configures the publisher thread with the default thread sleep interval
KdbPublisherThread(KdbProcess, Long) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
Provides a instantiation of a KdbPublisher but wrapped up in this threaded class to allow execution to occur separately from the main thread
KdbPublisherThread(KdbProcess, Long, Duration) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
KdbPublisherThread(KdbPublisher, Long) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
KdbQuery - Class in com.buabook.kdb.query
KDB Query Class (Abstract)
KdbQuery(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
Constructs a new query object, first opening an connection to the specified process
KdbQuery(KdbConnection) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
Constructs a new query object, re-using the specified connection object.
KdbSyncQuery - Class in com.buabook.kdb.query
KDB Query Class - Synchronous Implementation
KdbSyncQuery(KdbProcess) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbSyncQuery
KdbSyncQuery(KdbConnection) - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbSyncQuery
KdbTable - Class in
Table Data Container for kdb
KdbTable(String) - Constructor for class
Instantiate an empty table structure
KdbTable(String, c.Flip) - Constructor for class
Instantiates a new kdb table object with a set of initial data in kdb format
KdbTableIterator - Class in
Iterator for KdbTable
KdbTableIterator(KdbTable) - Constructor for class
KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException
KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException
ke(String) - Method in class com.kx.c
KException(String) - Constructor for exception com.kx.c.KException
kr(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
ks(String) - Method in class com.kx.c
ks(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
ks(String, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
ks(String, Object, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
ks(String, Object, Object, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c


l - Variable in class com.kx.c
lastPublishTime - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
The time of the last successful publish to the kdb process
lg(long) - Method in class com.kx.c
listen() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
Commences listening for messages to be sent to this consumer from the kdb process.
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
log - Static variable in class
log - Static variable in class
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbAsyncQuery
log - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbSyncQuery
longToSqlDate(long) - Static method in class com.buabook.kdb.Converters
Convert a long date (milliseconds after 1970) to a Date object.


message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataOverwriteNotPermittedException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DictUnionNotPermittedException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbProcessSubscriptionFailedException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherAlreadyExistsException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableColumnAlreadyExistsException
message - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableSchemaMismatchException
Minute(int) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Minute
Month(int) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Month


n - Static variable in class com.kx.c
n(Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
NANO_SECONDS_IN_1_MS - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.Converters
next() - Method in class
nf - Static variable in class com.kx.c
ni - Static variable in class com.kx.c
nj - Static variable in class com.kx.c
notifyFailure(IKdbConsumerFailedListener.EFailureReason, Throwable) - Method in interface com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbConsumerFailedListener
On consumer failure, this method will be caused with the reason for the failure and, optionally, any causing exception.
ns(String) - Static method in class com.kx.c
nt - Static variable in class com.kx.c
NULL - Static variable in class com.kx.c
NULL(char) - Static method in class com.kx.c
nx(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c


o - Variable in class com.kx.c
o(long) - Method in class com.kx.c
O(Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
O(int) - Static method in class com.kx.c
O(boolean) - Static method in class com.kx.c
O(long) - Static method in class com.kx.c
O(double) - Static method in class com.kx.c
out - Static variable in class com.kx.c


password - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
PrintableDict - Class in
PrintableDict(Object, Object) - Constructor for class
PrintableDict(c.Dict) - Constructor for class
Provides an easy way to build a new instance of this object for an existing c.Dict object.
process - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
The details of the process to connect to
publish(List<KdbTable>) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
Allows a list of tables to be published (in sequence) to the target KDB process
publish(KdbTable) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
Allows a table (as an internal KdbTable to be published to the target KDB process
publish(String, c.Flip) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
Performs the publish of a c.Flip table structure to the target KDB process
publish(List<KdbTable>) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
Publishes the specified tables to all processes that are managed by this class.
publish(List<KdbProcess>, List<KdbTable>) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
Provides the ability to publish a number of KdbTable's to a specified list of kdb processes.
publish(List<KdbTable>) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
This method adds the list of tables to the publish buffer (KdbPublisherThread.publishBuffer) ready for publishing to the kdb process on the next iteration of the main thread loop.
publish(KdbTable) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
publish(String, c.Flip) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
PUBLISH_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
publishBuffer - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
Buffer for all tables that are to be published on this thread to the KDB process
publisher - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
The publisher class containing the code to publish to the KDB process
publishers - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
Map of publishers that are available


qn(Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
query(String) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbAsyncQuery
query(String, KdbDict) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbAsyncQuery
NOTE: This function does not perform any re-send of the query in case the connection fails (due to IOException).
query(String) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
Method to query a kdb process with a string argument only.
query(String, KdbDict) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbQuery
Method to query a kdb process with a function name and a dictionary argument.
query(String) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbSyncQuery
query(String, KdbDict) - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.query.KdbSyncQuery
NOTE: This function does not perform any re-send of the query in case the connection fails (due to IOException).
QueryExecutionFailedException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
QueryExecutionFailedException() - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
QueryExecutionFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
QueryExecutionFailedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
QueryExecutionFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
QueryExecutionFailedException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException


r() - Method in class com.kx.c
rawDataConsumer - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
A listener object that will consume any valid message received from the kdb process
rb() - Method in class com.kx.c
rc() - Method in class com.kx.c
rd() - Method in class com.kx.c
re() - Method in class com.kx.c
reconnect() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
Provides the ability to reconnect to the target KDB process if necessary (generally after an IOException).
reconnect() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
Performs the reconnection logic as defined in the super class.
reconnectIntervalMs - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbConnection
The amount of time in milliseconds to wait between connection attempts
remove() - Method in class
resetConnectionDuration - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisher
The maximum amount of time after the last publish / connect allowed before the connection to the kdb process is reset.
rf() - Method in class com.kx.c
rg() - Method in class com.kx.c
rh() - Method in class com.kx.c
ri() - Method in class com.kx.c
rj() - Method in class com.kx.c
rm() - Method in class com.kx.c
rn() - Method in class com.kx.c
rowCount - Variable in class
rowCounter - Variable in class
rp() - Method in class com.kx.c
rs() - Method in class com.kx.c
rt() - Method in class com.kx.c
ru() - Method in class com.kx.c
run() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumerThread
run() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
Thread sleeps for the specified KdbPublisherThread.threadSleepMs before retrieving the latest table from the head of the queue and publishes to the kdb process.
rv() - Method in class com.kx.c
rz() - Method in class com.kx.c


s - Variable in class com.kx.c
Second(int) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Second
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataConsumerException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DataOverwriteNotPermittedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.DictUnionNotPermittedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbProcessSubscriptionFailedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherAlreadyExistsException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbPublisherDoesNotExistException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.KdbTargetProcessUnavailableException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.QueryExecutionFailedException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableColumnAlreadyExistsException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableSchemaMismatchException
set(Object, int, Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
setEncoding(String) - Static method in class com.kx.c
setInitialDataSet(c.Dict) - Method in class
Takes the provided kdb dictionary and maps it into for use in this object
setInitialDataSet(c.Flip) - Method in class
Performs the initial set of data from a kdb c.Flip object
shutdown() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherManager
Simple wrapper for KdbPublisherManager.disconnect(KdbProcess) to disconnect all processes in the current manager.
stream() - Method in class
TODO: Implement Collection interface so this is an override
SUB_FUNCTION - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
subscribe() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
Performs a subscription request to the kdb process (.u.sub) with the specified list of tables and symbols specified at object construction time
subscribeAndListen() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
Once connection to the process has been established (performed during object construction), then this function is called to first subscribe to the kdb TickerPlant and, if successful, start listening for update messages
subscriptionConfiguration - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
An optional dictionary of subscription information if the upstream kdb process supports subscription configuration
subscriptionTables - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
The list of tables that this consumer will subscribe to
SUPPORTED_UPD_FUNCTIONS - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
sync - Variable in class com.kx.c


t - Static variable in class com.kx.c
t(Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
t() - Static method in class com.kx.c
table - Variable in class
TableColumnAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
TableColumnAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableColumnAlreadyExistsException
tableConsumer - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
A listener object that will only consume table updates
tableName - Variable in class
The table name for the current instance
TableSchemaMismatchException - Exception in com.buabook.kdb.exceptions
TableSchemaMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception com.buabook.kdb.exceptions.TableSchemaMismatchException
td(Object) - Static method in class com.kx.c
threadSleepMs - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.publisher.KdbPublisherThread
The time the thread should sleep between cycles
Timespan(long) - Constructor for class com.kx.c.Timespan
tm() - Static method in class com.kx.c
toString() - Method in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.kx.c.Minute
toString() - Method in class com.kx.c.Month
toString() - Method in class com.kx.c.Second
toString() - Method in class com.kx.c.Timespan
Types - Class in com.buabook.kdb
Java <-> kdb Type Conversions
Types() - Constructor for class com.buabook.kdb.Types
tz - Variable in class com.kx.c


u() - Method in class com.kx.c
union(KdbDict) - Method in class
Allows the joining of 2 dictionaries of distinct elements together
UPD_ARRAY_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.buabook.kdb.consumer.KdbConsumer
The length of the array returned by kdb in order for it to be considered as a valid update message
username - Variable in class com.buabook.kdb.connection.KdbProcess


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbConsumerFailedListener.EFailureReason
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.buabook.kdb.interfaces.IKdbConsumerFailedListener.EFailureReason
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vt - Variable in class com.kx.c


w(byte) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(boolean) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(char) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(short) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(int) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(UUID) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(long) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(float) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(double) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(c.Month) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(c.Minute) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(c.Second) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(c.Timespan) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(Date) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(Time) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(Date) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(Timestamp) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(String) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(Object) - Method in class com.kx.c
w(int, Object) - Method in class com.kx.c


x - Variable in class com.kx.c.Dict
x - Variable in class com.kx.c.Flip


y - Variable in class com.kx.c.Dict
y - Variable in class com.kx.c.Flip


z() - Method in class com.kx.c
zip - Variable in class com.kx.c
zip(boolean) - Method in class com.kx.c
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